Saturday, February 8, 2014

Prayers and Missions

I have not been working as hard as a should to get ready to accept my full time missionary appointment in Sierra Leone. It is probably because I did not know it would be so hard. I have come to the realization that is truly a lack of faith that has kept me from reaching  my goal. It is not a difficult goal as I have made it out to be. I am trying not to take rejection personal but the rejection of Christ's mission. If Christ has ordered me to go to Sierra Leone(Mokanji area) then He will truly be with me in all aspects of the journey.
 I have been reading Mark 9 today. In verse 28, the disciples asked why they could not drive the demons out of the boy and Jesus replied that " This kind can be cast out only with prayer." Jesus was expressing how unbelief can cause a lack of faith.  My lack of faith is centered in my lack of prayer. I am working to get back on track by increasing my conversations with God. I have decided that it is time to look forward and not backwards.
 Today is a sad day in my life. It is the anniversary of the death of my son.  In the past, I had problems getting out of bed on this day but thanks to Christ who is the source of my strength , I feel stronger than ever.
  I know that in just a few months I will have my support in place and ready to begin to work in Mokanji. God is sending many people my way who are helping and offering words of encouragement and I thank Him for His faithfulness and for calling me to this important mission journey.